The Martinsen Family

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Day at home

Merry Christmas 2008
Christmas was a good one this year....hahah. Shawn and I got food poisoning from Taco Bell. Shawn got sick Christmas Eve morning so he got left home while I took the boys to the Martinsen's family dinner and as soon as I got done there I got sick. I was puking while wrapping gifts and Shawn couldn't sit up for more than 2 minutes. It was a Christmas Eve we will always remember. It sucked!!! And to boot Jace didn't want to go to sleep and was teething so I had my hands full. Other than that it was a great Christmas.

Jace with a cute smile just after he woke up for Santa.

The boys were told that if they say bad words Santa will bring them Barbies....well look at the first gifts they opened. Kyler was funny cause he got so mad and sassy.


Kassi Luck said...

That is hilarious that you really got the boys barbies. I bet they were freakin


Kassi Luck said...

Look on my blog - you have been tagged!!